Friday, April 20, 2007

Cable-Knit Baby Sweater

I finally finished the baby sweater I was knitting for SHAO's newest addition! Geez, I think the kid is already like 3 months old...practically in college. Just in time too, I'm going to see SHAO tomorrow so I can give it to her then. So, it's a late baby shower gift, but I my excuse is the enormous amount of time it took me to get the pattern right. More time = better gift, so I think she'll overlook my faux pas. I even unknit it a couple of times (once because I had to make it bigger when I realized the baby was going to be older by the time I finished it!).

I'm pretty happy with the results. I think it turned out like it was supposed to anyway. I'm a little concerned about the length of the sleeves, but it's hard to know without a baby to try it on. I think it's supposed to be a drop-shoulder sweater and, in that case, the sleeves should be the perfect length. I checked and double-checked the pattern and I'm pretty confident that I knitted them correctly. This week, KB (Knitting Buddy) came over and helped sew everything together so I could get it done by this weekend. She also thinks it's correct, so I'm trying to worry about it. Luckily, I managed to pick up some new buttons for the shoulder last night and I sewed them on quickly this morning during my coffee break (I don't drink coffee, anyway). PK had convinced me to purchase and try some cute little buttons, but they were just really ugly on the sweater and not really complimentary to the feel of cables. I'm much happier with the new buttons, but PK seems a little hurt that I changed them against his "expert" advice. I think he'll have to admit that the new buttons look better even if they don't have as much personality.

Now for the photos:

Front View

Back View

Close-up of cable stitch pattern

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