Saturday, March 06, 2010

The Solheims Get a Day Out

Today we were invited for a day out with the campus missionaries, who took us into Catacamas to wander around, shop and get to know the city. We spent the morning walking the crowded streets and browsing the shops. Around this time of year street vendors start selling dried fish that smell awful...something to do with Easter and Lent. Combine this with the meat hanging out in the butcher's windows on this hot day and it was not a pleasant scent. But we loved getting to know the city a little and watching all the people. The outdoor produce market was interesting. We're surprised to find several fruits and vegetables that we don't have at home. There was also a man selling lemons and limes from a little cart. He peeled them with a mechanical peeler attached to his cart and people (especially kids) bought them and ate them as a snack.

Then we were treated to lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Yes, Mexican, not Honduran. At the restaurant a lady came in selling tortillas she had made and I bought a bag of them from her. I hope to make tacos this week and try them out. The best part of the meal were the frozen fruit drinks that were served. I could definitely get addicted to those on a hot day! After lunch, we made a run to the frocery store for the coming week's groceries before coming back to the school.

And, thanks to today's purchases, we spent the afternoon like this:

CT loves our new hammock. Now, if I can just him out of it...and maybe teach him to make those frozen fruit drinks....

1 comment:

Tracy said...

good luck on that one!