Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Why Do Missionaries Raise Support?

This is one of the most common question people have asked us. And the answer is actually pretty simple.

Raising support is Biblical.
Look at the examples we're given. Jesus traveled and got by mostly due to the generous provisions given by His followers. Even more evidence regarding Jesus' philosophy of support raising is given when He sends out the 12 (Matt. 10:9-15) and again when He sends the 72 (Luke 10:1-7). Paul shows us the original use of a support letter in 1 and 2 Corinthians. He even tells the church how to collect it (1 Cor. 16:1-2)! 

But wait there's more...
Raising support is not begging. It's taken me a long time to wrap my brain around this idea. But it finally stuck one day when I complained to an elderly missionary with decades of experience that I was too timid and embarrassed to ask some people to support our ministry. He stood up and looked me straight in the eye. And with his wrinkled finger wagging directly in front of my nose he yelled, "How dare you steal that opportunity for God to work in someone's life! It isn't about you!" 

He's right, of course. It's all about Him. And if He's brought someone into my life, I owe it to God to let myself be used. He'll use his people and His money according to His will and I'd better get out of the way if I think otherwise.

Now that you know...
Here's your chance to let God use you to bless our ministry in Honduras. Click here.

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