Friday, December 07, 2012

Blessed through the Family of Christ

This month has been a difficult one for us financially (and for me, physically!). It started with a toothache that quickly turned into a pain in the neck. But I since Steve has had steady work for the past few months, I wasn't too worried. At least we had insurance--or so I thought! It turns out the waiting period for benefits coupled with poor coverage left us footing the bill for a couple of fillings and a very expensive root canal. And, as usual, my holiday spending put us in a real bind wondering if we'd be able to meet our obligations this month. So I asked for prayer through our ministry Facebook page. Below is a card we received today in response to that posting.

Dear Steve, Kelly & Nick,
[Our daughter] keeps me posted on you somewhat. She recently mentioned your dentist problem, Kelly, and the huge expense this adds to your budget. I'm enclosing a check to help you with your finances.
I'm so glad I got to meet you when I was in Honduras a few years ago. God bless you! 
The check she enclosed enables us to make the first payment on the dental bill and is such a blessing to our family. Thanks to this gift and the many prayers we know have been uttered on our behalf, a weight is lifted off our shoulders and our hearts are singing renewed praises to the God who is faithful to His promises!

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